Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Healthy Lifestyle Challenge - 2010

Here are the brave few who participated in the Healthy Lifestyle - Challenge. The challenge consisted of a 500 yard swim, 6 mile bike ride, and a 3 mile run/walk. This is an event for people who want to get out and exercise without having to train for a major event like a triathlon. If you are interested in participating in the 2011 Healthy Lifestyle - Challenge, visit the church website: www.sierravistachurch.com

Half Moon at night

Here's a late night shot of a half moon. Not a lot of detail, but I like the pink hue coming off the moon.

Fire Clouds over Arizona

My daughter and I were driving along and it looked like these clouds where on fire. I thought it was interesting, so I took a picture. Not bad for a quick shot on the go!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Selection 3 - Architecture Photo

I adjusted this photo to compensate for the contrast and brightness. The stones in the riverbed aren't as washed out by the light now.

This is a photograph of the Kintai Bridge in Iwakuni Japan. About 200 meters long (220 yards), the bridge spans the Nishiki River. The wooden structure consists of five arches, each 5 meters (5.5 yards) wide, 6.6 meters (73 yards) high, and spanning 40 meters (44 yards). The elegance of the form inspired the name Kintai (which means gold brocade sash, because of a similarity to the traditional Nishiki obi for kimono). Along with Nihonbashi bridge in Tokyo and Meganebashi bridge in Nagasaki, it is on e of the three most famous bridges in Japan.

When you travel in your city, country or around the world, the photographer needs to stop and capture the uniqueness of his/her surroundings. I have travelled in Asia and Europe and the architectural wonders are amazing. Cathedrals in Europe, floating temples in Asia; what will the next trip present. I'll be ready with my camera. Will you?


Selection 2 - Animal Photo

During my visit to Japan, we had the opportunity to explore different areas of Iwakuni. At the park, there was a carnival visiting. We decided to stop and see the sites. This primate was part of the show. The show consisted of bike tricks, jumps, and "attitude" from the animal to its trainer. I think the attitude was part of the show. The interesting part of the show was that it was in Japanese. The language barrier didn't make it any less entertaining.

As a tourist, you never now what you are going to see. As a photographer, you need to be ready at a moments notice to capture the shot. Be ready all the time to capture the unique and special moments in life.


Selecton 1 - Humorous Photo

This photograph was taken during my trip to mainland Japan. One night we decided to go and eat at a place called the "Chicken Shack". Outside of the restaurant, my friend and I noticed these cut-out figures and decided "Why Not". As you can see, we were meant to be "Samurai" in the market place. It was fun and we thought it would be funny to send this photo back home to friends and family. Here's the really funny part, my friend is really tall in person (taller than me; I'm 5' 11''). However, in the photo, she is the short samurai.
This assignment gave me the opportunity to look at who, what and why I am taking a picture. Taking a picture to capture the moment is great, but a picture that tells a story should be the goal.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

One Person Photograph - Feet in the Grass

I modified this picture by cropping most of myself out of the picture. Now my grandson "Anderw" is the focus.

This is a shot of my grandson at the car show here in Sierra Vista. This was the first time he was able to put his feet in the grass. He would wiggle his toes and laugh. Then he would do it again. Grandpa is great isn't he! This shot captures the self discovery we all experience throughout our lives. This one just happens to be Andrew's first with grass.

Determining what "something of interest" is was a little difficult. Often portraits aren't about things of interest, but about getting your picture taken. I was going through some photos and remembered this shot. I thought to myself "What's not interesting about self discovery." It makes me thing why do I take pictures. I thought to myself when I asked my wife to take this shot "I want to capture this moment for later. Little did I know, I'd be using it for a homework assignment.


Low Light - Update

Here's the updated version of the lightning that was captured in Baltimore, MD.

Action Photograph - Swim Training

I modified this entry to adjust for the brightness. I lowered the brightness and contrast just a little. If gives the water and the subject a better look.

This photograph was taken during swim training at MCAS Cherry Point in 1988. I was the one taking the picture. This individual had a severe fear of height. The task was for him to jump from a tower 15 feet in the air and then swim to the side of the pool. He could swim fine, but it was getting him to jump that was the hard part. When he finally jumped I was able to catch the fear in his face.

I am an action oriented kinda of guy. The interesting part of this assignment was to find a photograph that would show the desired action affect. I was really lucky in getting this shot. Right time and right place. The photograph made the local paper at the time.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Photo with Patterns

I must admit; I was wondering how I would approach this assignment. I saw a commercial that used patterns to blend the person into their background. I thought to myself "I could do something with this." As I was sitting in my hotel room I noticed this pattern. Let's see who will be the first one to guess the source of this pattern.

This assignment forced me to look at the world in a different perspective. As I looked around for patterns to shoot, it made me aware of the patterns all around us each and everyday.

Night Time Photo

I knew at the beginning of this assignment that I wanted to shoot lightning. However, I had too problems. One, I needed to wait for a lightning storm. Two, I found myself in Baltimore this week. Luckily, the sky lighted up for me on the way home. I ran in and grabbed my camera. I set the camera to shoot in the "fireworks" mode. I set the camera up on a steady base and began to take pictures of the night sky. I took twenty-one shots before I reviewed the pictures. I actually got the shot on the fourth try, but you never know when taking "lightning" pictures. I knew I needed a low shutter and high apeture setting to get the shot. I figured the "fireworks" mode was the best option.

I really liked this assignment. I have always liked night shooting and lightning. Lightning in Sierra Vista is spectacular, but lightning in general is pretty awesome. I really liked this assignment.